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Fair Scrolls Cradle

💫 Starlight Scrolls 💫

Do you ever get struck by inspiration, then go write some epic poetry or something? Well, that happens to me sometimes. This is where I'll share some of my better literary creations with all of you. Let me know if you like them!

Beasts of the Woods

Warning: This poem is a horror story. If you're sensitive to gore, violence, or spooky shit, do not read past this point.

That beautiful siren

with a voice so soft and sincere

tempted me like nothing ever had

I heard her call when my parents crashed

a ruined wreck on the side of the road

I crawled out towards the song, her beautiful voice

I fell into the woods

Brambles seemed to part for me, leaves cushioning my falls

I didn't question it, didn't know that I was being tricked

Darkness beckoned, her voice asleep

Fear coursed through my veins

Would I hear her call again?

Lights flickered on, one by one

Confused, I wept; I had found them

I didn't know who they were

I didn't know where I was

I knew only her call

I stumbled forward, ever closer to their abode

Turn back, that quiet voice in my head, fell silent

It was too late for me already

The doors stood tall and wide, a manor's welcome

They opened with a sigh, as if troubled by the job

No one stood inside

Cautiously, I went in, too scared to think

The doors stayed open; this was no horror movie

Little did I know

I could never leave

They were not monsters, not misshapen creatures

They were gorgeous and fair

kind and divine

There were twenty, I knew not how I knew

Each one was special, powerful, perfect

I hadn't met them yet, but I sensed them there

They were waiting, they were hungry

I walked forward, hand trailing up the banister

I would begin high, at the mansion's peak

I would find her there, the feathered one

Crows loved to fly

The aviary was a mess of feathers and blood

Birds as black as the night watched me enter

eyed me up with a frightening look

But her gaze held nothing but love

She beckoned me forward with a taloned hand

giving me a grin most wicked

My heart pounded in a thunderous blast

Rhythmic flapping matched its beat

I walked as if in a dream

all groggy and dizzy

I fell into her chest, her wings wrapped around me

I felt the whisper of her breath on my face

as her chest rose and fell

I felt the warmth of her flesh

beneath her feathered frame

She smiled kindly, a friendly affection

then a sudden pain seared my back, and I was asleep

I watched my body as it fell

the lady as she withdrew her hand from it

holding my still beating heart

I drifted in space, watched as she ate

it was a fascinating sight

so violent and grotesque

Then I opened my eyes

and saw my own staring back at me

I was in a coffin

so cozy and warm

She hovered above me, a spectral hand on my cheek

"Live," she breathed

A single word, but full of promise

She had my face, my body, my voice

She was a perfect reflection of me

I didn't know why, but I wanted her

I reached out and yanked her hard

stuffing her ghostly body inside me

I moaned in pain, then was still

she was a part of me

I sat up, watching the room

It shifted around me, ever so subtly

I would turn my head and a desk would move

a light would flicker

a shadow would shift

Your self, her voice said inside me

You change and grow

Into what, I wondered

Into us

Then I heard the song again

It put my mind at ease

stilled the worries brewing within

These girls were just like me

They cared for me

They loved me

They wanted me to be theirs

I would be theirs

I stood up; the sun had risen

its light didn't penetrate the wooden ceiling

but I could sense her, gone

Her voice was silent

The siren was silent

I was suddenly afraid

a thousand worries springing anew

Where was I?

Who were these people?

My parents...

I remembered the crash, remembered them

How had I forgotten them?

I sprinted to the door, smashed the broken handle

The stairs were no match for me

I flew up them with the passion of a thousand suns

They weren't dead

They couldn't be dead

There was a maze of halls and rooms

They twisted and turned, writhed and convulsed

This was no lavish mansion

It was a rotting ruin

I saw the door

it still stood open, waiting for me to leave

I sprinted across the gap

then slammed against a wall unyielding

I rubbed my cheek, glancing at the doors

they had not moved

I ran again, and was stopped

The barrier was invisible, immovable

I was trapped

I cried for help, pounding at the wall I couldn't see

There was no one there

My parents were dead

The road was gone

I was alone

Let the Monsters Grow

a creepy nursery rhyme

🎵 The cat ate the mouse

The mouse ate the spider

The spider ate the fly

Down the hatch they go

Past the gums and the teeth

into the belly of the beasts

Why must nature be so cruel

to all her precious jewels?

Don’t we all deserve to live

to learn and forgive?

But no, they say

we must be sent away

Down and down we go

to let the monsters grow 🎵

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