Header Image Loki's       Place
Make the Internet weird again!
Fair Scrolls Cradle

🦁 About Me 🦁

Site Owner and Creator

My Profile Pic

All-knowing personification of things that lurk in the dark

Frequently Solicited Inquiries

Q: Who are you really? What's your name?

A: Who are any of us, really? Science tells us we're just a bunch of atoms arranged in a very self-conscious way. Religions all have their own idea of where we come from and where we're headed. Are we mere space dust drifting across the universe? Are we imprisoned souls awaiting a judgment day? Or are we simply figments of each other's imagination? In the grand scheme of things, with all our myriad speculations and forever-limited knowledge, who can say?

Q: What even is the purpose of this weird-ass website?

A: Does there have to be one?

Q: Why are you x years old and still playing with imaginary friends?

A: Cause I wanted to.

Q: Are you a demon?

A: Yup 🤪

About My Site

Some time ago, the idea struck me to create a website for my own enjoyment. And so, I decided to start making it. It wasn't easy though; I had only a rudimentary knowledge of HTML and CSS. Eventually, I was able to transform my dream from an admittedly eyesore-inducing mess of text and color into this splendid work of art you see today.

My site's still growing, thanks to various sources of creative inspiration and the development of my own web design skills. Somewhere along the way, I realized I wasn't just creating this place for myself. As it turns out, I'm a lot more invested in sharing my ideas with you guys, and brightening up your day a bit. This is a beautiful world we live in; I'm just doing my part to make it better for all of us.

Mystery Denizens

Lo and behold! Here lies all the information one could ever want about those mysterious beings that roam my website... and do most of the maintenance. Seriously though, these (admittedly fictional) guys help out a lot.

Mysique Pic

Mysique is a cute li'l fairy from Alfheim who loves riddles, puzzles, and pretty much anything that gives her genius mind a little bit of exercise. She hosts the Mystery Fair and keeps everything running over there.

Hazel Pic
Cat Pic

Hazel gets into all kinds of fun little adventures with her pet Cat, who's actually an arctic fox that only thinks he's a cat. The two of them entertain people with memories of their antics in the Mystery Fair. They sometimes help out elsewhere too.

Peekmu Pic

Peekmu's a demigender demigod who handles special events and kicks fascist ass in his spare time. Don't make fun of his name or otherwise annoy him, unless you fancy being aggressively thrown into the next universe.

Wisp Pic

I'm going to be honest - I have no idea where Wisp is from or even what she is. She just came through the portal one day and decided to stick around. If you're wondering how she's crying underwater, uh, let's just say that her crying is the reason she's underwater. Yeah, she's got her own river. Don't worry though; those are tears of joy. She's glad to be here. I think. It's hard to tell sometimes.

Credit Where It's Due

Beyond the HTML and CSS, building a website is no easy task. I couldn't have made my Place what it is without help.

On that note, I would like to thank Butterfree of the Cave of Dragonflies, whose site helped inspire my own and who was kind enough to advise me during its development phase.

Furthermore, being the novice pixel artist I am, I can't take full credit for many of the images used on my site. I did a lot of experimenting while I was developing the thing, so there's a few different sources to mention:

☕ The background image and that book up in the header are from Freepik. Ditto for the ones in the 404 error page.

☕ All profile pics (mine, Mysique's, Hazel's, Cat's, Peekmu's, and Wisp's) exist thanks to Picrew.

☕ The Portal pic was AI-generated using Stable Diffusion.

☕ The rest (that aren't mine) are emojis 😜

And finally, I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to all those unmentioned sources of inspiration that have guided me along my journey, helping to form the idea of Loki's Place and its component parts.


Unless otherwise stated, all site content and design © Loki's Place. All rights reserved.

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