This is where I'll share the code for my open-source projects. I'll only post the latest versions here, so email me if you want the older ones. If you want to play with this stuff, go nuts! Just don't violate the terms of the (possibly nonexistent) license and we're cool.
Important Notice: Until I upgrade to a supporter account (thus having no restrictions on file types), the below links are broken.
I wrote this bash script to automatically change my lock screen and desktop wallpapers as well as my active Focuswriter theme based on the current season. It's optimized for Linux using Nitrogen and LightDM with the gtk greeter, but with some minor adjustments could easily work with related software. Read the code comments before using it as some manual setup is required.
Running this script opens a Conky instance with one of several possible aesthetically distinct configuration files; which one is chosen is up to chance. The idea is to create a 'random encounter' like in the pokémon games. Map bash /path/to/ to a keyboard shortcut of your choosing for ease of use.