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Make the Internet weird again!
Fair Scrolls Cradle

⛩ Mystery Fair ⛩

Mystery Fairy

Hiya, all! See me over here? Yeah, I'm the pretty girl haunting your screen right now. Sorry for dropping in unannounced, but I kinda live here. Not 'here' as in your screen - that would be a living hell. No, I meant 'here' as in the Mystery Fairy's Mystery Fair! *dramatic flourish*

I'm sure you nice folks have some questions for me, so I'll get right to it. I'm Mysique, and I absolutely adore riddles and puzzles of all sorts. I struck a deal with the site owner *waves in their general direction* to drop some brain-stimulating fun on you in exchange for this nifty little crib. Awesome, right?

Just as a disclaimer, I do have a life outside this site so I won't update the fair daily. But when I come across something interesting, I'll be sure to put it here eventually, so don't worry about running out of content.

Speak the Words


To be serendipitous is to be lucky, much like a cartoon character slipping on a banana peel to avoid a snowball to the face then just barely escaping death by skidding automobile by accidentally tumbling down a hill covered in fresh powder and landing on an inflatable mattress at the bottom with a hot cocoa in her hand.

Don't ask me where she got it, cause I have no idea.

Riveting Reads


The Little Prince

Check these interesing books out - preferably at the library :)

Lovely Mind Games

Warning: Skip this one if you're sensitive to movement, strobe lights, or have epilepsy.

Click to visit YouTube

Here's a bit of fun for those of you who enjoy exploring the strange things your mind can do.

Numerical Nights

Sudoku Puzzle

Enjoy the sudoku!

P.S. You can solve this in your head if you want, or paste it into some kind of graphics software (Paint should work if you're on Windows).

Riddler Who?

You can run but cannot walk.

You have a mouth but never talk.

You have a head but never weep.

You have a bed but never sleep.

What are you?

Riddle me this - How many criminally overworked college students does it take to build a website? The answer might surprise you.

Hilarity Ensues

Hazel: frowns and looks at circular disk Cat just handed her

Hazel: "What is this thing?"

Cat: "It's called a frisbee."

Hazel: inspects the thing "What's it for?"

Cat: "It's a piece of plastic boring people throw around for fun."

Cat: mischeviously smirks

Cat: "One could call it a throwaway joke..."

*randomly points at medieval map* Here be ogres. Here be dragons. Here be terrible jokes.

Revolving Room

Welcome one, welcome all! Welcome to my magical Revolving Room, where I'll post pictures of my most stunning, adorable, and awe-inspiring videogaming moments. So sit back, relax, and grab yourself a fun li'l skygame so you can share in the fun!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me (see my About page). Rest assured, I'll rotate the images out from time to time.

Mystery Box

Mystery Box

Hmm... I wonder what's inside this mysterious little present. Is it a new site feature? A way to get involved with the community? Or maybe just a fun link to check out? It could be any of these! Or none of them. I guess you'll have to click to find out...

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